Thursday, February 14, 2013

Duke Orsino

By: Michael Mark

Duke Orsino

      Duke Orsino is a love struck man who is a duke of a place called Illyria. He is in love

 with Olivia, for example, the duke says, "Why, so I do, the noblest that I have. O, when

 mine eyes did see Olivia first methought she purg'd the air of pestilence! That instant

 was I turn'd into a hart, And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, E'er since pursue

 me.",(Twelfth Night, pg. 3) this is when he first expresses his love for Olivia. The duke

 plays a big role in the Twelfth Night, he is part of the triangle of love. Without the duke,

the story would not be funny. The duke is in love with love, every time he talks, he talks

 of love. “If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The

 appetite may sicken and so die. That strain again! It had a dying fall; O, it came o'er my

 ear like the sweet sound That breathes upon a bank of violets Stealing and giving

 odour! Enough, no more; 'Tis not so sweet now as it was before.”, (Twelfth Night, pg.

1). The duke is telling us through words about how much love means to him. The duke

 also is sometimes demanding. “Give me now leave to leave thee.”, this is showing his

 powerful side, without love.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My childhood friend

My childhood friend

As a child, I was full of sports, power rangers, and energy. Me, my brother, and my best friend, Big Bird, would play and play and play. Big Bird, who is six two now at the age of 14, was about five four at the age of six. He is called Big Bird because of his first football stance. He looked like a big dying bird. His real name is John, but nobody calls him that anymore. It's mostly Big Bird that he is called by his parents! We first met at age zero or one, I can't remember quit exactly, his mom was running a daycare center, and my mom took us there to chill because she had to go do something or go somewhere.we started to hang out after that and soon became best friends. Don't get me wrong. I have alot of good friends and some other best friends, but none of them are like Big Bird. None of them have known me for there whole life. Big Bird lives right next to me, all I have to do is is walk a few steps from my gate to his driveway. A total of ten steps. One day, as me, Big Bird, and my brother where playing power rangers in our woods. We started to walk more into the woods when suddenly, a swarm of hornets come flying out of the ground! We took of and ran into our house that was about 200 feet from the pot that we where attacked, that was the fastest I've ever ran as a child. I beat Big Bird and my brother to the house without a sting when suddenly a piercing sensation shot up my foot! As I looked down in agony, I could see that a hornet has gone into my shoe and stung me. The hornet was wedged between the shoe and my foot, head at the shoe, and stinger in my foot. That was a rough day for me, but it's all good now. Big Bird still comes over today as we workout and play football. He is truly my best friend.

By Michael mark

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ice Ice Baby analysts

     Ice ice baby was made by the one and only your boy Vanilla Ice. Released in 1989, ice ice baby was the side note to "play that funky music white boy" and skyrocketed to to a success in 1990. It is about how, "word", your boy Vanilla Ice is.
     Ice Ice Baby is about how "dope" your home skillet Vanilla ice is. Some examples of this can be found in the song. "Deadly, when I play a dope melody, anything less than the best is a felony", this shows how ,"what what!" He is. The song explains a lot about his awesomeness.
     Some literary devices in this song are very hip and cool. There are many different types of literary devices that can be showed in this song. "I'm killin your brain like a poisonous mushroom","I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon", and "cause my styles like a chemical spill", are examples of a simile. "That block was dead", is an example of synecdoche.
     The music in the song definitely affects the lyrics because its makes the lyrics turn alive. The music is very sensational in this excellent work of song playing, without it, the lyrics would be dull and have no beat.
     That will conclude this essay on analyzing the song, "Ice Ice Baby" by your boy Vanilla Ice.

By: Michael Mark

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is Odysseus an epic hero?


     An epic hero is one who embodies the ideas of a society, overcomes obstacles and is courageous, intelligent, and honorable. Odysseus, one of the very first hero's ever to be told about in this world, was one of the most famous also. But is Odysseus an epic hero? What do I think? I believe that Odysseus is not an epic hero. A reason for this is that Odysseus shows no honor in his home when he falls in love with Circe and stays there with her instead of his original wife, Penelope. He is also not that intelligent for staying. Odysseus is not an epic because of the way he acts, he is selfish and takes all the credit.

By:Michael Mark

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hero analyst

Hero analyst

     Odysseus in the book, "the odyssey", is portrayed as one of the first hero's there ever was. Homer is the author of this action pact classic. Homer says in his book, "While employed on the wild legend of Odysseus, he met with a ballad, recording the quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon."(page 50), this is saying Odysseus is a legend. Odysseus has strength, experience, speed, and knowledge. "This poem includes the Phaeacian episode, and the account of Odysseus' adventures as told by himself in Books ix.-xii."(page13), this is an example of Odysseus's experience and knowledge.
Odysseus shows skill and bravery, which are also heroic traits, when he stabs the cyclops in the eye with a spear. Odysseus falls in love with Circe during his trip home and that's puts an extra year on his trip, it is a flaw that is evident. Him staying with Circe affects his journey because it makes his wife back home get more problems with the suiters.

By: Michael Mark

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hero essay

     Heroes have been in life for a very long time. There is a difference now with heroes

 now and back then when Heroes such as Odysseus and Hercules where hip and cool.

Heroes now in today's society are for example like, superman or batman. Batman is an

Anti-hero. An anti hero is a hero that does good, but has a reputation of a bad guy.

Another example is superman, superman was born a superhero, giving the hero

archetype of the child.

     Heroes in the good old times where told to be true and therefore people believed

them. Some heroes like Thor that are now and back then. People back in the day

believed that there was actually a Thor. Other heroes like odysseus are not really

popular anymore. Odysseus was very popular in the old times and is what makes all

other heroes an archetype. The odyssey is a story with the first hero ever made.

     Heroes now and heroes back then are alike because they all have the same

archetypes. They are different because heroes now are known to be not true.

Telemachus in the book, "the odyssey", is the child archetype, this is similar to today's

archetype of the baby in the incredibles who is born with super powers.  Both heroes

have usually a distraction or something they are driving for.

By: Michael Mark

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The odyssey

By:Michael Mark

The odyssey

Here I am just a kid riding in a ship to go find my dad, Odysseus, in Sparta. This isn't just a short little couple of months trip, this is a full on sea sicking, oyster scrapping, ten year trip. It's ok though, I am with my friend Pisistratus, and I've always wanted to see Sparta. The reason for me doing this is because the suitors are in town. My mom is obviously married to my dad, but my dad has been missing for over fifteen years, I lost count of how many years exactly but I know for sure that it's over fifteen years. Anyways my mom doesn't want to get married, but that is just what she told me, I'm a little suspicious about her though. The suitors want to merry her, so she is sending me to go find my dad. My dads friend is helping too, he is nice. Well that's where I am so far.