Thursday, February 14, 2013

Duke Orsino

By: Michael Mark

Duke Orsino

      Duke Orsino is a love struck man who is a duke of a place called Illyria. He is in love

 with Olivia, for example, the duke says, "Why, so I do, the noblest that I have. O, when

 mine eyes did see Olivia first methought she purg'd the air of pestilence! That instant

 was I turn'd into a hart, And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, E'er since pursue

 me.",(Twelfth Night, pg. 3) this is when he first expresses his love for Olivia. The duke

 plays a big role in the Twelfth Night, he is part of the triangle of love. Without the duke,

the story would not be funny. The duke is in love with love, every time he talks, he talks

 of love. “If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The

 appetite may sicken and so die. That strain again! It had a dying fall; O, it came o'er my

 ear like the sweet sound That breathes upon a bank of violets Stealing and giving

 odour! Enough, no more; 'Tis not so sweet now as it was before.”, (Twelfth Night, pg.

1). The duke is telling us through words about how much love means to him. The duke

 also is sometimes demanding. “Give me now leave to leave thee.”, this is showing his

 powerful side, without love.