Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ice Ice Baby analysts

     Ice ice baby was made by the one and only your boy Vanilla Ice. Released in 1989, ice ice baby was the side note to "play that funky music white boy" and skyrocketed to to a success in 1990. It is about how, "word", your boy Vanilla Ice is.
     Ice Ice Baby is about how "dope" your home skillet Vanilla ice is. Some examples of this can be found in the song. "Deadly, when I play a dope melody, anything less than the best is a felony", this shows how ,"what what!" He is. The song explains a lot about his awesomeness.
     Some literary devices in this song are very hip and cool. There are many different types of literary devices that can be showed in this song. "I'm killin your brain like a poisonous mushroom","I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon", and "cause my styles like a chemical spill", are examples of a simile. "That block was dead", is an example of synecdoche.
     The music in the song definitely affects the lyrics because its makes the lyrics turn alive. The music is very sensational in this excellent work of song playing, without it, the lyrics would be dull and have no beat.
     That will conclude this essay on analyzing the song, "Ice Ice Baby" by your boy Vanilla Ice.

By: Michael Mark